The Untold Adventures Of...
"the untold adventures of..." where born in 2007 in a London Hotel Room. My Husband and I went there for London Film and Comic Con - initially I wanted a signature of Patrick Stewart but couldn't get a Ticket for the virtual queue. But then there was Nana Visitor and she was so lovely. The night before the second day I drew up my first comic because I wanted something to get signed by her and so "the untold adventures of..." series was born.
From 2007 onwards I collected over 80 Signatures (most of them at FedCon in germany) on over 60 comics in multiple Fandoms and I tagged all so you can filter through them.
So... in the end I was lucky not to get the Patrick Stewart autograph that year because I would just have had a boring Portrait for signing - a year later I had another (successful) shot AND a comic :D